Peggy Kelly-Davies
Conference Topic #1
Good Vibrations
It is said that all illness and disease is a lowering of frequency! Well - how does it get lowered and how can we increase it. Join me to find out how! Good Vibrations??
Conference Topic #2
The Secret Language of Feelings! What are Feelings
What are Emotions? What's the difference between them? What are they for? Do you know what they mean? How do they have an effect on you? Are they important? If you'd like to find out more please join me in the 1 hour information session!
Post-Conference Training October 16, 2023
How to Run an effective Age Regression Session!
—1 Day | $302
Sign up with payment by September 1st and receive $50.00 off!
Why should you do age regression? Why not just do direct suggestion in every session with every client!
When should you do age regression!
Should a client be at a specific level of hypnosis in order for you to have an effective age regression session?
Is more than one age regression session required?
Is how you ask questions in an age regression session important?
What questions should you ask? Why?
How do you know if an age regression session is complete?
If you are interested in learning the answers to these questions and more—this is a must for the hypnotist that wants to bump up their efficacy and move your clients along much quicker!
When you get results you get referrals!
I’ve been a Certified Hypnotist for 23 years. I have been practicing hypnosis, full time for 20 yrs and have been a Certified Professions Hypnosis Instructor for 18 yrs. If you’d like to find out how to get results with your clients—faster—this workshop is a must for you!
Hope to see you there!
Peggy (Kelly-Davies) BCH CPHI OB
My Story
Peggy Kelly-Davies BCH CPHI OB is the founder of The Hypnosis Connection & Training Center. She is a Certified Hypnotist, a Master Hypnotist, is a Board Certified Hypnotist and recipient of the Order of Braid through the National Guild of Hypnostists in the US. Peggy is an Award Winning Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor for 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® through The Banyan Hypnosis Center in Tustin, California. She is a contributing author of the book – Real Hypnosis Business Success. She has a degree in Holistic Health Sciences and is Certified in Brain Mapping. Peggy has also served as a Director on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Hypnotherapists in Toronto for 2 years. She is currently the President of an NGH Chapter and Vice-President of the NGH Mississauga Chapter. Peggy teaches and sees clients on a full time basis in her Kitchener/Waterloo office.