Joann Abrahamsen
Keynote Speaker
Join us at the Saturday Night Gala Dinner featuring our keynote speaker—Joann Abrahamsen.
This year, our conference will focus on exploring the potential for hypnosis to be used for personal transformation and healing, as well as provide attendees with practical business growth strategies. Attendees will be able to benefit from the insights of keynote speaker Joann Abrahamsen, a major presenter for many national and international hypnosis organizations and is a board certified consultant in hypnosis by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists.
Conference Topic #1
A Potpourri of Hypnotic Techniques —Adding the WOW Factor to Your Practice
Do you want to captivate an audience? Add some zip to your lectures? Be remembered as an effective speaker who is invited back? Included are many demonstration techniques and interactive processes which you could incorporate into your pre-talks and include in your lectures demonstrations to make them informative and fun! I will also demonstrate an induction that I developed that induces hypnosis, tests & deepens the client in five minutes or less.
Conference Topic #2
Self-Hypnosis: Easy as 1, 2, 3 - 3 Minutes to Change Your Life
My method of self-hypnosis teaches you to formulate a suggestion, induce hypnosis, stay in hypnosis while giving yourself a suggestion, and emerge from hypnosis in just three minutes. This method is unique in that you give yourself a suggestion BEFORE going into hypnosis. With some other methods, you give yourself suggestions after you are in hypnosis. You are using your conscious critical mind to lighten the state. With this method, your conscious, critical mind is not engaged.
My Story
Joann Abrahamsen is a keynote speaker and a major presenter for many national and international hypnosis organizations and is a board certified consultant in hypnosis by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists. Joann was inducted into the National Guild of Hypnotists, “Order of Braid,” recognizing a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication, and service. Joann has received both the NGH Outstanding Achievement Award and the Charles Tebbets Award for “spreading the light of hypnosis.” She was named the Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis’ “Person of the Year”, and was recipient of both the President’s Award and the Harry Arons Award for the AAEH.
Joann teaches certification courses in hypnosis and hypnosis courses for adults at local high schools and colleges. Joann has written two books, Self-Hypnosis, Easy as 1,2,3 and A Potpourri of Hypnotic Techniques and is a regular columnist for the Journal of Hypnotism. She is writing a third soon to be published book—Weighing in on Hypnosis. In her on-line and in-person private practice, Abrahamsen has helped many people achieve their goals by combining her award-winning hypnotic techniques with behavior modification. She enjoys traveling (especially cruising), line dancing, and ballroom dancing. Joann lives in Westchester County, NY with her husband, Robert and their calico cat, Nutmeg.