Graeme Harvey
Conference Topic
Content Free Hypnotherapy, describes both the science behind the process and a description of the process and how it works.
My Story
Former Police Officer followed by highly qualified Security Manager/Health and Safety Manager. Married three times both 1st and 3rd died of cancer, No 2 divorced due to her abusive violence and cheating. Suffered PTS after divorce and found a great hypnotherapist and enjoyed it so much that he decided to train at the Tara School of Hypnotherapy attached to the Psychology Department of Liverpool University. Qualified in 2004 and practiced part time until leaving Government Service in 2010 and been full time since then. Around the same time, he developed the Clearance Protocol which is the leading process in Content Free Hypnotherapy in the UK and is also now in use worldwide. In addition, he also has Diplomas in both Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression and is a qualified train the trainer in the latter discipline.
Graeme is a previous speaker at the UK Conference and has worked with and presented for The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy and others, including some in Australia and new Zealand where his Clearance Protocol is very popular.